Starting My Web Development Journey !!!!I

Starting With PW Skills !!

Hi, My name is Nilesh Bala Idhate. And I am an Engineering Student for CSE Branch At Deogiri Institute Of Engineering And Management Studies, Aurangabad.

And now I am a 2nd Year (3rd sem). Of My College Life, and Now I decided to Learn Full Stack Web Development. Since that Semester my interest in Web development is increasing day by day and now I decided to become a full-stack web developer.

I Don't Know ki mere se hoga ya nahi but I will try my best. From that semester till now (8th semester) I took so many online courses and also seen lots of youtube videos to becoming a developer but I learned only HTML and a little Bit About Css, I don't have complete knowledge about Full Stack development. Recently, In January 2023,

I saw our dearest Alakh Sir (Physics wallah) announce that they are Coming with 3 New Courses on the Website, In that courses, full stack developer is also included I don't take so much time and instantly buy these courses. The Course is Started already and I'm following it very well. I will try My best to become Full Stack Web Developer. As the courses go on, I will try my best to be active here and write blogs about my learning experience.